Not Enough Fest Edmonton

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Dear NEF Community,

Did you know that we’ve been creating, supporting, and carving out space together for over two and a half years? In that time, we’ve gathered at over 30 events, including 2 large scale music festivals. We’ve opened our hearts, wallets, gear collections, and even homes to each other in a collective effort to support a more inclusive and accessible music scene. We’ve seen countless folks responsively and accountably use their positions of privilege and social capital to make space for those who need it. And we’ve seen the birth of over 36 new bands! Yeah, how’s that for a success you ridiculous over achievers?!

Taken together, this means that the NEF community has, through their creativity, their generosity, and their willingness to be vulnerable, made a truly meaningful impact on our music community. The change over the last couple of years is amazing. The number of women, queer and trans individuals actively participating in our music scene as performers, promoters, technicians, photographers, appreciators and beyond, is truly powerful.

As organizers, we cannot begin to express our unending gratitude for you all. This was not about us. This was about you. None of this could have happened without your courage, vulnerability, and desire to care and make space for one another. You have taught us so much, and been so patient and generous with us as we learned many lessons about accountable community organizing, accessibility, our own limitations, and the various practical skills needed to put something like this together. In an attempt to give something back to the community that has taught us so much, we have compiled our learnings into a zine that we’ve made available on our facebook page and website. We hope it provides inspiration and guidance to folks who are wanting to organize or get involved with similar projects.

Many of us on the organizing team have been devoted to NEF since its inception. While we all agree that this experience has been one of a lifetime, and something we will be forever grateful for, we are also really tired. For this reason, the current organizing team at NEF is stepping back.

Logistically what this means is that our facebook page will remain up, the band archive will remain active and pinned to our wall along with the previously mentioned NEF resource zine, but no one will be actively maintaining our social media presence or responding to communications. We will also be donating our remaining NEF funds to some incredible organizations: in the sum of $2000 to iHuman Youth Society, $1500 to The Come Up and $500 to Global Choir.

We know that a healthy community is dynamic. It requires new ideas, diverse experiences, and fresh passion. We have seen the resiliency and dedication of this community, and we know that this is not the last we will see of initiatives like this. In fact, we are beyond excited to see and support what rises from the ashes of NEF.

To all of our participants, performers, volunteers, allies, and supporters, thank you for an incredible two and a half years. We hope you are as proud of yourselves as we are of you.

The NEF Organizing Team ❤

Our gifts to you ❤

Edmonton Band Archive

NEF Zine (visit NEF Drive for other versions and instructions on printing)

NEF Resource List

NEF Drive

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Thank YOU!


How did it happen so fast?! Another year of Not Enough Fest happened and we are just feeling so many things that it’s hard to put words to it. We can’t believe all of the amazing things that have been shared together over the past 7 months because of NEF, so we want to take some time to share our gratitude for the memories, music, fun, and friendships that have happened.

We want to thank all of the performers. It wouldn’t have been possible to have 2 days of incredible stuff without you sharing your magical creativities, vulnerabilities, honesty, and joy with us. The ways you held our hearts, made us smile, and made us cry was just so special. We hope you will continue sharing your music in whatever way feels good, because the power of your performance is too incredible to contain in one space alone. (And now that there are so many new bands, go and add yourselves to our Edmonton Band Archive!!)

It would be impossible to name all of the volunteers, but you all know who you are. This is a big thank you to all of the volunteers who have brought food to our many events, postered, designed posters, put on workshops/skillshares, mentored folks wanting to learn a new instrument, ran errands, acted as supportive stage hands, lent gear, operated the sound and lights expertly, took gorgeous photos and videos so we can remember it all, helped cook and feed us, worked the merch or door tables, supported our safer spaces, hung decorations or helped us make them, cleaned up, played with kids, and everything else in between and out of range. Thank you for showing that you care and support spaces like this. Thank you for giving us your time and energy. We absolutely adore you!

To everyone who attended, thank you for showing up to the party and making it so fun! Thank you for creating such a supportive environment for the performers and for showing that you want to see and hear music from queer, trans, and women artists, and that spaces where this is prioritized is so important.

We also want to thank everyone who has given us the space and resources to do this work. Thank you Long & McQuade, Ritchie Hall, APIRG, Harcourt House, Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts, The Common, Gravity Pope, The Buckingham, and everyone who donated to the Indiegogo campaign.

Spaces and community like this are so special and we are so grateful we got to share it in such good company. We hope you felt nourished and inspired from this past weekend’s event. Thank you for helping us grow communities. We just have so much love for all of this and you. 

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Cultural Appropriation Resources

With the festival being just 3 days away, NEF wants to share some of the learning we have done over the past year around the issue of cultural appropriation, and invite the NEF community to (personally) engage with this issue as well.

NEF is grateful for being encouraged to think about the harmful impact cultural appropriation can have on folks attending and participating in our events. Cultural appropriation involves the use of cultural elements without understanding, acknowledging, or respecting the context that makes the cultural symbol, art form, or mode of expression significant.

NEF is not interested in making assumptions about anyone’s identity, rather, we are asking the NEF community to think about how their choices can have real, tangible impacts on those attending our events.

We recognize that cultural appropriation is a complex and nuanced issue, and for many folks it may not be something they are familiar with or have had the opportunity to learn about. We have been posting some informative resources on our Facebook page to help folks engage with this topic.


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Not Enough Fest Edmonton 2016! Line-Up Schedule

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Are you as stoked as we are to experience the endless amounts of amazing talent in less than 5 days?
We’ve finalized the line-up! Check out the final schedule for the Fest!!!!! posted to the Facebook event.

20 BRAND NEW bands and projects will be playing their first show this weekend at Not Enough Fest Edmonton 2016!

WOW. It’s finally here!!!

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Weekend Update! May 12-15

Here’s our list of W/Q/T performers playing this weekend in Edmonton.


MoonMuseum (synth/dream pop) is playing at Mercury Room

Betrayers (garage rock) is playing with Vancouver’s The Radiation Flowers at The Needle Vinyl Tavern

Calgary’s Miesha & The Spanks are at The Buckingham


Tee-Tahs (garage punk), TEETH (sludge punk), and Aviakit (Lo fi rock n roll) are playing a fundraiser for Nourish The Nation with at FICUS

ALL AGES! Feminal Fluids (riot grrrl) is playing with Paroxysm (their first show!) at Bikeworks North

ALL AGES! Middle School (lo fi garage punk) is at Lynwood Community League

ALL AGES! Banshee (grunge) and Math Debate (garage rock) are opening for Vancouver’s Softess (Vancouver post punk ) at The Sewing Machine Factory

Night Comfort presents BFG: Big Fun Girl (dance party) with DJs SWEDpantsDad, Hood Joplin, and EFFY IN THE SKY at  Bohemia


Rhythm of Cruelty (ethereal post punk) is at The Buckingham

Conscilience (alternative soft-rock-dream-pop) is playing at The Aviary


ALL AGES! The Dads (alt punk) are playing with Victoria’s Durban Poison (garage punk) at The Sewing Machine Factory

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Volunteer Call Out for NEF 2016!



Interested in supporting Not Enough Fest 2016 as a volunteer? We have a very colourful sign-up sheet for you here:

There are a variety of roles and times throughout the Fest that are available. If you have any questions, please email us at

This event would not be possible without the support of so many wonderful volunteers. We are so grateful for all of your support and can’t wait to see you all in 11 days!!

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Weekend Update! May 5-8

Weekend Update! Our list of W/Q/T shows happening this weekend.


Sweathearts and Banshee are playing at The Almanac


Hood Joplin is going to be at 9910

Calgary’s Sleepkit is playing at The Almanac

The Chokeouts and Street League will be at Filthys

Bailey Sutton is at The Sewing Machine Factory


Power Buddies are performing at The Chvrch of John


Shameless self promotion! NEF is having a merch making extravaganza at The Centennial room in the Stanley Milner library

Sir Ma’am Ma’am, Feed Dogs, and Ripe Fruits of the West are playing at Sewing Machine Factory

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NEF 2016 Indiegogo Campaign!


Over the past six months, we’ve been working with generous volunteers to provide support for our musicians, such as practice space, instruments, workshops, skillshares, showcase events and more, all leading up to the festival on May 21st and 22nd. We are super excited for the fest and already have about 10 brand new bands signed up to play! (details and line-up to be posted soon!)
We are grateful for all the support we have received from organizations such as APIRG, Harcourt House Artist Run Centre, the Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts, Ritchie Community League, and Blackbox Studios well as the volunteers who have helped endlessly with providing food, creating amazing posters for events, photographing and filming our events. Without their support, this could not be happening. We are now looking to you to help us continue this important work!
If you can afford to help, we would greatly appreciate a donation to help us with the final festival! We are also looking for volunteers and *shares* to get this campaign off the ground.
Check out our Indiegogo campaign and the short video we filmed starring some of your favorite NEF organizers!